Once upon a time ... three British ladies who sat in a circle with one medium and three Beings of Light who, attracted by the Light of their auras, came and started a cycle extraordinarily informative messages which triggered my spiritual awakening.

This is my tribute to all of them because I know that the many still sleeping and skeptical will see the beauty and the message of Light and Love contained in each of them.

Be at peace

I am no-one special. I am a curious, problem solving type who's strict upbringing in the Catholic community gave me the foundation of a service to others ethic and a resolve for justice and peace.

I guess that is why, when drawn to others who were able to see beyond the ordinary we were chosen to receive outstanding messages, and beyond that, to see the MESSENGERS

We had a talented medium who was able to 'move over' and let spiritual light beings use her voice.

We were told things that would freeze us with fear, and others that were so amazing we would literally be silent and gasping at the end of the sessions.

We did this for about 8 years off and on. Above all we were compelled to return nearly every Monday for another gruelling session that would ultimately wake us out of our comfortable slumber and start the process of truth, research and upliftment.

Even more astonishing was the fact that we saw three separate light beings distinct from each other. We tested each other to see if we were imagining them and named them 1, 2 and 3 in order of appearance in many tests. The numbers stuck and the transcriptions state thus. (The Beings of Light preferred this too, as when asked their names, they insisted that we wouldn't know them, and that numbers were fine).

I found a reference to our phenomenon in an ancient script. The Apochryphon of John.

(In the light I beheld a youth who stood beside me. Even as I looked he became like an old man, then like a servant. Yet there were not three before me, but one, with multiple forms appearing through each other as though transparent. He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt? And why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.")

Curiously, this is EXACTLY how we saw our B.O.L. Morphing and then settling into one familiar face. It makes you think about what was reported from ancient times, and who these ‘apparitions’ really were.

Ours when asked who they were, said: Alpha, Omega, Andromeda. Still makes me tingle to think of the possibilities!


Friday, November 30, 2012



24th March 2003    

Bolus, Elevators, Titan, Europa, Xeno Physics, Alien Life
                                       No 3

Good evening my ladies. I see that you have a new energy here. I would have expected No.1 to have arrived first, but I’ve beaten him this evening – he will be very disappointed! There is an extra lady, and we know how he feels about the ladies! (yes indeed).

Now where did we get to last week my friends? We talked about modular cells and the multiplication of them in the seas and the oceans. We could use the clays to develop the molecular concentrations in all the oceans, as we talked about the last time. If we left them in the seas for another hundred thousand years, we would end up with the seas and oceans bulging with the molecules and offspring so to speak, but the ORIGINAL would still be there as well.  

We know about the DNA and the RNA, but you cannot find the beginning of it – where the development took place initially – is that not right my friends?

You need to see that one of the components must be an amino acid, so that this can develop, but what are the other two? I don’t want to get stuck deep into biological sciences, but we will touch on it here and there as it is important. 

Now, if you are looking for alien life, you must look for an aqueous planet. This might have a carbon base you see as you have on the Earth plane, so this will give you the genetics you see. This will help develop the genetics, the carbon base. We must look further a field surely, for this alien race that you think you will come in contact with, and we have no doubt that you will do and have done. 

Astrophysics will come in handy here, rather than the Xeno-physics, because astrophysics has a firm base and can be understood better. Xeno science is simply not recognised by all, if you understand. Unfortunately there is a lot of fiction around it that cannot be proved.  The different films that are made about such things, get their background from books on chemistry and biological science, but they take true facts from this, and add other things to it that aren’t true. So we have to stick to astrophysics because this is pure science and respected and recognised. 

Astrophysics will help you find a planet, an aqueous planet. They are out there and you will find them. It is important to look at the moons of Jupiter. They have already found Europa, and you ask about a base on the planet Mars. You humans are always asking about this and I’ve no doubt that it will come about at some point, but I will tell you this, you will have a hard job because of all the problems of getting there you see, this will be a problem – so I have a feeling that something else will have to be constructed, in order to make these journeys and it will not be to do with rockets.
If you find an aqueous planet with a carbon base, you will have different life forms – They may not be the same as you as you will be looking for something similar to yourself and I’m afraid you may not find it. Not totally as you are anyway. They may be similar, but the carbon base is of particular importance, as it will give the genetics –Some planets could not provide the genetics, as they might not have the base at all. Then you see, the alien life would be very complex and would provide you with an alien life of such exotic means, that you wouldn’t understand or recognise it if you came in contact with it.

We must go further forward and look at the stars and the planets, and the moons of Jupiter. You can push your solar system beyond that, to Titan even, which is much further out in the solar system. You may wonder how you’ll get there but I‘ll tell you this my friends, there WILL be people who will travel and it will be in the next 200 years or even sooner and I can tell you this  - the ones that will go will be similar to you but not the same.  

It will be the Chinese and the Japanese, for I feel westerners will have lost their interest and their desire. This is a shame, because while YOU are paying your money into wars, they are quietly sitting back and putting their money into developments of which you know nothing about at the moment, but you can be sure there are things going on in the background here that would make them able to travel.
There is a different sort of travel – perhaps I will say more another time – but I am thinking of bolus and elevators, This would be more advantageous to you than rockets – you wouldn’t need a rocket to get so far, because you would have a space station – which is the preliminary step, the absolute beginning do you understand?  

This bolus system and elevator, you have the technology for this already – did you know that? (I’ve seen it written). The technology is there, but you see the finance is not, nor the desire to develop it – it is a shame, because you cannot go on as you are on the Earth plane. The population is exploding and you cannot contain everybody here - so you really must look, to the frontier of solar science and to disperse and spread out, and explore. There is a lot out there to find and there are a lot of planets that would be useful to you if you understand what I mean, (Yes).                                                                                                                    

The problem is, that you would not be able to take your Catholic religion with you because you could not have their birth rate, as people would over-populate again (yes). You need some sort of control and this brings you back to your priest-craft this could not go with you. There is a Divinity, a divine light that covers all, and that is all you really need to know or to have, because there is only one God, one Divinity - and it does not matter about the religions at all. They are a problem and a nuisance and they are causing problems all over your planet (indeed) as you can see (yes).                                                                                                                                    

Which brings us back – unfortunately to the world that you are living in at present and the war that is being fought at this moment.  It is unfortunate and I’m not saying I’m for war – because I’m not in some senses, but this man is evil – and if this is your ONLY way to get rid of this man then that is the only way to go. The trouble is, once you have lit the blue touch paper, where will it stop? 

You have lit the fuse, and there is no knowing where it might end because you know from your news that it involves the Kurds as well and the borders of the Turks. Then you have Iran with Kurds on that side as well so it overlaps – they are frightened of the two joining together to form one large country.  Everybody sees each other a threat (such a shame). 

It is a shame because it is not always like that. I’m not going to say how this war will sort itself out, it will come to an end but it would not be as simple as was thought in the first place, nothing ever is of course. Arguing about borders just as you do in your gardens where simple rows grow into complicated ones – (true). 

You have a long way to go my friends – I’m afraid! Even so, you are doing very well and your technology is very well advanced and this should keep up with everything else and improve your life no end.                                                                                                    

But this Bolus idea is nothing new of course; people, scientists and technicians know of this and could develop it so that you could go up into space in stages. This is a better way than using rockets to take you. Because you have to develop a different fuel, and we are hoping that you will do, to take you further on, and then to use the bolus and elevator idea to continue so you do not totally rely on the rockets. Your fuel system has just got to alter and I think it’s being developed  - a different fuel (yes I have hear of this) yes I’m sure it is – well I do know that it is (yes, yes) – and you will see the different ones come to the fore, when the time is right. 

But you can be sure the Japanese and the Chinese are sitting back using their funds  - their finance for this sort of thing for it is important to explore within your solar system and without. You need to go and develop because this place is getting overcrowded and you wont to be able to carry like this. Mind you, if you have more wars like this one now, it could deplete your people, which is not a very nice thing to say because they are all individuals with families and such. It is a terrible shame that it is come to this but they have let this man override and dictate to them for far too long. It is a shame that some could not have got together to overthrow him, and I am sure he is an evil man because he was given time to depart from that land and he did not take it, So he has inflicted all this on his people – it is not good my friends, it is not good.

So I am going to leave now my friends. I’m sorry it is a short message but I too have things to sort through. I will be back again and it is nice to have the added energy for us to manipulate and use. This is good for us.

I must go – as we have problems too,  so discuss what I have said, and remember that alien life will not be exactly as you think (no). It will be different, although you will have already have come across alien life and not even realised it, as you have it on your planet, at this moment you see – it is here with you  - the seeded ones who are already pregnant. You are thinking of people, but I am not – I am thinking of creatures in their early stages – you understand?  - You are not looking in the right place, and I am not going to help you either – I can be like that, very awkward and obstinate  - No 1 knows! – May the Divine light shine on you wherever you are (you too).

                                                                           No 2

I come to you my daughters of the Divine Light and I bring you all the love of the Divinity, the Divine one. I weep for you in you hour of need, for I can see the sorrow and the suffering on the faces of everybody, I bring you all the love that you need and I embrace you and I enfold you, and I implore you to come to me. For I need you, and I can take you under my wing and give you comfort, my friends.I need you to understand the Divinity and how it covers and folds itself around your Earth plane, to wrap it in love and in light. 

I bring you the chalice again my friends from the Divinity, and the love and the light. I bring it to you to drink my friends, for the love is here for you – to help you on your way and on your pathway forward. To bring you all the love and the light that is needed. I want to clasp you to me my friends – my divine daughters of the light – I bring so much love for you – I cannot bear, will not bear to part with you my friends. That I want to bring you all this love and share it with you, for the divinity wants you to have it and to be there for you my friends when the time is right. 

I shall be there for you and I shall clasp you to me my friends as I have always said before.  I bring you to my bosom so you may be loved and comforted  - in your hours of need. I leave you now my friends with this the love of the Divinity. It is all I have to give you but it is everything. I will leave you now my friends and may your week be fine for you, and may you not look back over your shoulder. For I am here – under this Divine light, and I want you to travel close to it. For it is for you my friends, it is for you. (Thank you).  

Europa                       http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/2284852.stm
Titan                            http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewnews.html?id=787

  March24/03    Bolus, Elevators, Titan, Europa, Xeno Physics, Alien Life
                                       No 3

Good evening my ladies. I see that you have a new energy here. I would have expected No.1 to have arrived first, but I’ve beaten him this evening – he will be very disappointed! There is an extra lady, and we know how he feels about the ladies! (yes indeed).

Now where did we get to last week my friends? We talked about modular cells and the multiplication of them in the seas and the oceans. We could use the clays to develop the molecular concentrations in all the oceans, as we talked about the last time. If we left them in the seas for another hundred thousand years, we would end up with the seas and oceans bulging with the molecules and offspring so to speak, but the ORIGINAL would still be there as well.  We know about the DNA and the RNA, but you cannot find the beginning of it – where the development took place initially – is that not right my friends?
You need to see that one of the components must be an amino acid, so that this can develop, but what are the other two? I don’t want to get stuck deep into biological sciences, but we will touch on it here and there as it is important. Now, if you are looking for alien life, you must look for an aqueous planet. This might have a carbon base you see as you have on the earth plane, so this will give you the genetics you see. This will help develop the genetics, the carbon base. We must look further a field surely, for this alien race that you think you will come in contact with, and we have no doubt that you will do and have done. Astrophysics will come in handy here, rather than the Xeno- physics, because astrophysics has a firm base and can be understood better. Xeno science is simply not recognised by all, if you understand. Unfortunately there is a lot of fiction around it that cannot be proved.  The different films that are made about such things, get their background from books on chemistry and biological science, but they take true facts from this, and add other things to it that aren’t true. So we have to stick to astrophysics because this is pure science and respected and recognised. 
 Astrophysics will help you find a planet, an aqueous planet. They are out there and you will find them. It is important to look at the moons of Jupiter. They have already found Europa, and you ask about a base on the planet Mars. You humans are always asking about this and I’ve no doubt that it will come about at some point, but I will tell you this, you will have a hard job because of all the problems of getting there you see, this will be a problem – so I have a feeling that something else will have to be constructed, in order to make these journeys and it will not be to do with rockets.                                                                                                       If you find an aqueous planet with a carbon base, you will have different life forms – They may not be the same as you as you will be looking for something similar to yourself and I’m afraid you may not find it. Not totally as you are anyway. They may be similar, but the carbon base is of particular importance, as it will give the genetics –Some planets could not provide the genetics, as they might not have the base at all. Then you see, the alien life would be very complex and would provide you with an alien life of such exotic means, that you wouldn’t understand or recognise it if you came in contact with it.

We must go further forward and look at the stars and the planets, and the moons of Jupiter. You can push your solar system beyond that, to Titan even, which is much further out in the solar system. You may wonder how you’ll get there but I‘ll tell you this my friends, there WILL be people who will travel and it will be in the next 200 years or even sooner and I can tell you this  - the ones that will go will be similar to you but not the same.  It will be the Chinese and the Japanese, for I feel westerners will have lost their interest and their desire. This is a shame, because while YOU are paying your money into wars, they are quietly sitting back and putting their money into developments of which you know nothing about at the moment, but you can be sure there are things going on in the background here that would make them able to travel.                                                                                               There is a different sort of travel – perhaps I will say more another time – but I am thinking of bolus and elevators, This would be more advantageous to you than rockets – you wouldn’t need a rocket to get so far, because you would have a space station – which is the preliminary step, the absolute beginning do you understand?  This bolus system and elevator, you have the technology for this already – did you know that? (I’ve seen it written). The technology is there, but you see the finance is not, nor the desire to develop it – it is a shame, because you cannot go on as you are on the earth plane. The population is exploding and you cannot contain everybody here - so you really must look, to the frontier of solar science and to disperse and spread out, and explore. There is a lot out there to find and there are a lot of planets that would be useful to you if you understand what I mean, (Yes).                                                                                                                    The problem is, that you would not be able to take your Catholic religion with you because you could not have their birth rate, as people would over-populate again (yes). You need some sort of control and this brings you back to your priest -craft this could not go with you. There is a Divinity, a divine light that covers all, and that is all you really need to know or to have, because there is only one God, one Divinity - and it does not matter about the religions at all. They are a problem and a nuisance and they are causing problems all over your planet (indeed) as you can see (yes).                                                                                                                                    Which brings us back – unfortunately to the world that you are living in at present and the war that is being fought at this moment.  It is unfortunate and I’m not saying I’m for war – because I’m not in some senses, but this man is evil – and if this is your ONLY way to get rid of this man then that is the only way to go. The trouble is, once you have lit the blue touch paper, where will it stop? You have lit the fuse, and there is no knowing where it might end because you know from your news that it involves the Kurds as well and the borders of the Turks. Then you have Iran with Kurds on that side as well so it overlaps – they are frightened of the two joining together to form one large country.  Everybody sees each other a threat (such a shame). It is a shame because it is not always like that. I’m not going to say how this war will sort itself out, it will come to an end but it would not be as simple as was thought in the first place, nothing ever is of course. Arguing about borders just as you do in your gardens where simple rows grow into complicated ones – (true). You have a long way to go my friends – I’m afraid! Even so, you are doing very well and your technology is very well advanced and this should keep up with everything else and improve your life no end.                                                                                                    But this Bolus idea is nothing new of course; people, scientists and technicians know of this and could develop it so that you could go up into space in stages. This is a better way than using rockets to take you. Because you have to develop a different fuel, and we are hoping that you will do, to take you further on, and then to use the bolus and elevator idea to continue so you do not totally rely on the rockets. Your fuel system has just got to alter and I think it’s being developed  - a different fuel (yes I have hear of this) yes I’m sure it is – well I do know that it is (yes, yes) – and you will see the different ones come to the fore, when the time is right. But you can be sure the Japanese and the Chinese are sitting back using their funds  - their finance for this sort of thing for it is important to explore within your solar system and without. You need to go and develop because this place is getting overcrowded and you wont to be able to carry like this. Mind you, if you have more wars like this one now, it could deplete your people, which is not a very nice thing to say because they are all individuals with families and such. It is a terrible shame that it is come to this but they have let this man override and dictate to them for far too long. It is a shame that some could not have got together to overthrow him, and I am sure he is an evil man because he was given time to depart from that land and he did not take it, So he has inflicted all this on his people – it is not good my friends it is not good.

So I am going to leave now my friends. I’m sorry it is a short message but I too have things to sort through. I will be back again and it is nice to have the added energy for us to manipulate and use. This is good for us.

I must go – as we have problems too,  so discuss what I have said, and remember that alien life will not be exactly as you think (no). It will be different, although you will have already have come across alien life and not even realised it, as you have it on your planet, at this moment you see – it is here with you  - the seeded ones who are already pregnant. You are thinking of people, but I am not – I am thinking of creatures in their early stages – you understand?  - You are not looking in the right place, and I am not going to help you either – I can be like that, very awkward and obstinate  - No 1 knows! – May the Divine light shine on you wherever you are (you too).

                                                                           No 2

I come to you my daughters of the divine light and I bring you all the love of the Divinity, the Divine one. I weep for you in you hour of need, for I can see the sorrow and the suffering on the faces of everybody, I bring you all the love that you need and I embrace you and I enfold you, and I implore you to come to me. For I need you, and I can take you under my wing and give you comfort, my friends. I need you to understand the Divinity and how it covers and folds itself around your earth plane, to wrap it in love and in light. I bring you the chalice again my friends from the Divinity, and the love and the light. I bring it to you to drink my friends, for the love is here for you – to help you on your way and on your pathway forward. To bring you all the love and the light that is needed. I want to clasp you to me my friends – my divine daughters of the light – I bring so much love for you – I cannot bear, will not bear to part with you my friends. That I want to bring you all this love and share it with you, for the divinity wants you to have it and to be there for you my friends when the time is right. I shall be there for you and I shall clasp you to me my friends as I have always said before.  I bring you to my bosom so you may be loved and comforted  - in your hours of need. I leave you now my friends with this the love of the Divinity. It is all I have to give you but it is everything. I will leave you now my friends and may your week be fine for you, and may you not look back over your shoulder. For I am here – under this Divine light, and I want you to travel close to it. For it is for you my friends, it is for you. (Thank you).  

Europa                       http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/2284852.stm
Titan                            http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewnews.html?id=787

Offline -  http://www.spirit-truths.co.uk                                         

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