Once upon a time ... three British ladies who sat in a circle with one medium and three Beings of Light who, attracted by the Light of their auras, came and started a cycle extraordinarily informative messages which triggered my spiritual awakening.

This is my tribute to all of them because I know that the many still sleeping and skeptical will see the beauty and the message of Light and Love contained in each of them.

Be at peace

I am no-one special. I am a curious, problem solving type who's strict upbringing in the Catholic community gave me the foundation of a service to others ethic and a resolve for justice and peace.

I guess that is why, when drawn to others who were able to see beyond the ordinary we were chosen to receive outstanding messages, and beyond that, to see the MESSENGERS

We had a talented medium who was able to 'move over' and let spiritual light beings use her voice.

We were told things that would freeze us with fear, and others that were so amazing we would literally be silent and gasping at the end of the sessions.

We did this for about 8 years off and on. Above all we were compelled to return nearly every Monday for another gruelling session that would ultimately wake us out of our comfortable slumber and start the process of truth, research and upliftment.

Even more astonishing was the fact that we saw three separate light beings distinct from each other. We tested each other to see if we were imagining them and named them 1, 2 and 3 in order of appearance in many tests. The numbers stuck and the transcriptions state thus. (The Beings of Light preferred this too, as when asked their names, they insisted that we wouldn't know them, and that numbers were fine).

I found a reference to our phenomenon in an ancient script. The Apochryphon of John.

(In the light I beheld a youth who stood beside me. Even as I looked he became like an old man, then like a servant. Yet there were not three before me, but one, with multiple forms appearing through each other as though transparent. He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt? And why are you afraid? I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.")

Curiously, this is EXACTLY how we saw our B.O.L. Morphing and then settling into one familiar face. It makes you think about what was reported from ancient times, and who these ‘apparitions’ really were.

Ours when asked who they were, said: Alpha, Omega, Andromeda. Still makes me tingle to think of the possibilities!


Wednesday, November 28, 2012


 3rd Feb 2003. 

  Cyclops, Shuttle Disaster, Alnitak (Orion), Sirius, Virgin Birth, Divine Enigma, Seeded Creatures.

         No 1                                                                  

 Good evening, its nice to be with you again and as I’ve said before, to be with the ladies. You will be surprised that most circles are made up of ladies you know?  This is very agreeable to me. This is not the only work that I do, there is more going on behind the scenes that you would ever know about, and we must take a back view unfortunately. We have to balance the energy and the balancing of the energy is of course of the utmost importance. Sometimes when you bring a visitor in, it does cause a problem.  I will withdraw now into the background, and let my friend come through to speak with you – I’m sure he will have some words of wisdom to share. We are concerned about the way your emotions are in turmoil at different times. You must understand that we would never let anything happen to you, (Its getting easier). 

Yes – you go forward – but not unquestioning – you must question everything and come to your own conclusions. We put forward subjects for you to look at, and you must make up you own minds, hopefully the right way. I will leave you now my friends and will see you again.

                                                              No 3

Your words have much truth my children, and we are glad that you have thought about what has been said in the past: this will help you in the future – should you wish to take it further, and we hope you will (We had talked about how to access the truth and to share it with others).    

Otherwise, there is no point in reporting this to you, without you expanding out a little  more. – But you must be careful –you understand that don’t you? I don’t know where your jumping off point will be when you have your meetings. – We know you have spoken about these, but you must be careful how you broach the subject. I’m sure that if you allow us, – we will come and inspire you so that you can tread gently on the subject matter that is to be discussed.  Subject matter may be put forward as something for them to go home with, and think about. Provided they are like-minded or similar minded to you. 

This is important of course, otherwise you wont do any good. People have their own ideas and make their own minds up in any case – so this would be a problem we could do without. Some of the harder tasks would come later, and in any case you do not know where they would be on their spiral, their grasp of understanding. If they’re not ready for it, a lot of the information would perplex them. Their understanding might not be there because of the brain silicon. 

You have a little more than anybody else, and this is what makes the circuitry much better. We work a lot with the vibration here you see, we know when to come, but I must admit that we do come a little earlier at times, because we hope that your vibration will lift enough for us to join or come down to yours. We have to lower ours of course to adjust to your  level, and this is sometimes difficult, but we can lock in so that we can come forward to speak with you, if the instrument will allow. I know at some point she has had some second thoughts, and she has seen how distressed you have been. We can understand, but for all that she has come through and made up her mind, if you also are willing and can put up with the anguish, (yes). 

You mustn’t get too emotional too anxious. As No 1 has said, as you call him, we would not let anything harm you my friends – we just bring information forward for you to set you thinking. You can dismiss it if you like but we do not think you will, because this is why we care for you. If there is any point you cannot agree with, put it on one side. Do not dismiss everything out of hand but do have a look at it again, another time.  
                                                                                                                                                                                        Now you have another great catastrophe that has just happened with your space travel. It is unfortunate; it is unfortunate. But all is perhaps, as I would say, NOT as it seems. Was it heat shield tiles? They are very cumbersome things your space travel flights but you will get there in the end my friends, it may not be totally in your lifetime because you will have moved on and will watch from afar. Therefore you can view it from another way, far away. But was it pushed, was it nudged? (That’s what I thought) (I had a feeling)

This might have been something else you see! It could be an outsider pushing, or could be something inside that has been done because it was on the return journey and not on the out-going one – But that is something that would have to be proved and it would be very difficult, but they will come to a conclusion at the end of the day and WILL decide about these heat tiles. Do you know that if this shuttle is a fraction out in its trajectory then it would make all the difference and I’m not sure that it WAS on its exact trajectory to some back, even? I am not sure, which is quite something for me to say (laughs). Although I’m usually sure about most things, ( laughs). 

They will find an excuse for it anyway because they will not want to jeopardise any future flights, or frighten or make anxious, people who are willing to go forward again to these space sites, these things they are building up in space. We shall see my friends. It also may not be there long! But anyway let us get away from this.                                                                I have been talking about a lot of things, and we have spoken about the different stars in the Orion Belt. I do not know if you are aware, that the middle star is called Al Nitak and the middle star drops to a point much lower than the rest every 13,000 years –

It will rise for 13,00 years, then it will drop again. It goes up and down. If we go back to 10,450 BC , this is the time when it was at one of its lowest points,  it is the lowest point to your star  – this might make sense – I will leave that with you – I’m sure I don’t have to put it into words anymore as you have your own intelligence and can work that one out for yourselves.                                                                       

Were you aware also that there is a small tiny animal on your earth planet, that arrives already pregnant and seeded? (No). Well there is, and you must look.  It is not seeded as you think it might be and that is also something for you to look at –(yes, gosh).                                                                                                                                     Also, look at some other things. Sandstone, the pyramids, that it has been washed. It’s a dry area now but it wasn’t always, (yes). Some of it has been worn away by water.  

Do you understand that the Orion Belt is part of – it coincides with the Nile Valley? The Nile has a lot to do with Orion Belt. Sirius has its own particular point as well. Its also seems to work hand in hand with the Orion Belt –that is something else for you to think about.                                                                        

Now I’m not saying that its right or its wrong but the celebration that you have at Christmas time for the birth of Jesus, the coming of Jesus, and Mary’s virgin birth Think it about my friends, the virgin birth? – This was a very clever man, and he needed to be here  - was he seeded? (Mm?) Now if you can’t accept that, then the other version is probably to your liking, but if you believe in the virgin birth, it makes more sense to be seeded (indeed). Also the star (the star, yes) The star – The Three Wise Men – He was a very clever man, Jesus, he was good at teaching, and people wanted to listen to him (yes). He could hold them in the palm of his hand because of his charisma and he had many followers too, and of course he had the disciples who carried the word for him. BUT THE SON OF GOD? That is another question. I do not think so (no).

I wondered if you had thought about also – the universe? It is vast. So you think your Divinity, your God had a choice in what he could do and what he could not do? – you must have a think about that one as well – he may not have had a choice with some of the things that occurred and took place but he moulded them, he moulded them for the best purposes. (Right). And if you think of the universe, maybe it’s hard to comprehend the universe, as going into infinity and it’s hard to imagine infinity – and it’s hard to imagine infinity, infinity. What is beyond? I know it goes on forever – but supposing it was FINITE what would be beyond it? (Quite) and where was your God then, who made your God, where did your God come from? Who made your God? (Another God  - I don’t know). (A higher being?). 

You cannot have a higher spirit than the Divinity, God. The Divinity is over everything.  But where did HE come from? (I don’t know). This has puzzled men for thousands of years, so you won’t be on your own and I don’t think you will get the answer. People do ask and you will be surprised at how many professors and scientists have asked these questions also – so I’ll leave that with you to think about, and that is all I am going to say this evening. It may seem a short talk, I’m sorry. There is one word, I am going to give you who my instrument has been thinking sounds ridiculous, but I shall say it all the same. The word is CYCLOPS – (ah), and not as you think of it, as we have said many times before. The obvious is not always obvious – (Cyclops).

May God go with you my children, we watch over you all the time (Thank you). We are ever close to you when you need us for help. You will go forward with your work – even if you sometimes stray off the pathway – we feel that you will go further and even more forward (Yes). We will try and inspire with your little groups. You’ll be inspired to do things, as you were saying – we hear what you say and what people want take on board. Some will, you’ll see, you have to put your head above the parapet sometimes and people will ridicule you – they haven‘t the understanding you see – they are not as far along as you and some others are, and some would like to be. We are trying to draw you all up into the fourth dimension, (thank you) which is quite easy for you of course, for you are already there my friends – I thank you for letting us come to speak to you.

Shuttle Disaster.   http://www.citiesoflight.net/Columbia.html   http://spaceflightnow.com/shuttle/sts107/030508foamtests/                                      

 3rd Feb 2003.   Cyclops, Shuttle Disaster, Alnitak (Orion), Sirius, Virgin Birth, Divine Enigma, Seeded Creatures.

                                                                     No 1

 Good evening, its nice to be with you again and as I’ve said before, to be with the ladies. You will be surprised that most circles are made up of ladies you know?  This is very agreeable to me. This is not the only work that I do, there is more going on behind the scenes that you would ever know about, and we must take a back view unfortunately. We have to balance the energy and the balancing of the energy is of course of the utmost importance. Sometimes when you bring a visitor in, it does cause a problem.  I will withdraw now into the background, and let my friend come through to speak with you – I’m sure he will have some words of wisdom to share. We are concerned about the way your emotions are in turmoil at different times. You must understand that we would never let anything happen to you, (Its getting easier). Yes – you go forward – but not unquestioning – you must question everything and come to your own conclusions. We put forward subjects for you to look at, and you must make up you own minds, hopefully the right way. I will leave you now my friends and will see you again.


Your words have much truth my children, and we are glad that you have thought about what has been said in the past: this will help you in the future – should you wish to take it further, and we hope you will (We had talked about how to access the truth and to share it with others).                                                                      
Otherwise, there is no point in reporting this to you, without you expanding out a
little  more. – But you must be careful –you understand that don’t you? I don’t know where your jumping off point will be when you have your meetings. – We know you have spoken about these, but you must be careful how you broach the subject. I’m sure that if you allow us, – we will come and inspire you so that you can tread gently on the subject matter that is to be discussed.  Subject matter may be put forward as something for them to go home with, and think about. Provided they are like-minded or similar minded to you. This is important of course, otherwise you wont do any good. People have their own ideas and make their own minds up in any case – so this would be a problem we could do without. Some of the harder tasks would come later, and in any case you do not know where they would be on their spiral, their grasp of understanding. If they’re not ready for it, a lot of the information would perplex them. Their understanding might not be there because of the brain silicon. You have a little more than anybody else, and this is what makes the circuitry much better. We work a lot with the vibration here you see, we know when to come, but I must admit that we do come a little earlier at times, because we hope that your vibration will lift enough for us to join or come down to yours. We have to lower ours of course to adjust to your  level, and this is sometimes difficult, but we can lock in so that we can come forward to speak with you, if the instrument will allow. I know at some point she has had some second thoughts, and she has seen how distressed you have been. We can understand, but for all that she has come through and made up her mind, if you also are willing and can put up with the anguish, (yes). You mustn’t get too emotional too anxious. As No 1 has said, as you call him, we would not let anything harm you my friends – we just bring information forward for you to set you thinking. You can dismiss it if you like but we do not think you will, because this is why we care for you. If there is any point you cannot agree with, put it on one side. Do not dismiss everything out of hand but do have a look at it again, another time.  
                                                                                                                                                                                        Now you have another great catastrophe that has just happened with your space travel. It is unfortunate; it is unfortunate. But all is perhaps, as I would say, NOT as it seems. Was it heat shield tiles? They are very cumbersome things your space travel flights but you will get there in the end my friends, it may not be totally in your lifetime because you will have moved on and will watch from afar. Therefore you can view it from another way, far away. But was it pushed, was it nudged? (That’s what I thought) (I had a feeling). This might have been something else you see! It could be an outsider pushing, or could be something inside that has been done because it was on the return journey and not on the out-going one – But that is something that would have to be proved and it would be very difficult, but they will come to a conclusion at the end of the day and WILL decide about these heat tiles. Do you know that if this shuttle is a fraction out in its trajectory then it would make all the difference and I’m not sure that it WAS on its exact trajectory to some back, even? I am not sure, which is quite something for me to say (laughs). Although I’m usually sure about most things, ( laughs). They will find an excuse for it anyway because they will not want to jeopardise any future flights, or frighten or make anxious, people who are willing to go forward again to these space sites, these things they are building up in space. We shall see my friends. It also may not be there long! But anyway let us get away from this.                                                                I have been talking about a lot of things, and we have spoken about the different stars in the Orion Belt. I do not know if you are aware, that the middle star is called Al Nitak and the middle star drops to a point much lower than the rest every 13,000 years –
It will rise for 13,00 years, then it will drop again. It goes up and down. If we go back to 10,450 BC , this is the time when it was at one of its lowest points,  it is the lowest point to your star  – this might make sense – I will leave that with you – I’m sure I don’t have to put it into words anymore as you have your own intelligence and can work that one out for yourselves.                                                                       Were you aware also that there is a small tiny animal on your earth planet, that arrives already pregnant and seeded? (No). Well there is, and you must look.  It is not seeded as you think it might be and that is also something for you to look at –(yes, gosh).                                                                                                                                     Also, look at some other things. Sandstone, the pyramids, that it has been washed. It’s a dry area now but it wasn’t always, (yes). Some of it has been worn away by water.  Do you understand that the Orion Belt is part of – it coincides with the Nile Valley? The Nile has a lot to do with Orion Belt. Sirius has its own particular point as well. Its also seems to work hand in hand with the Orion Belt –that is something else for you to think about.                                                                        Now I’m not saying that its right or its wrong but the celebration that you have at Christmas time for the birth of Jesus, the coming of Jesus, and Mary’s virgin birth Think it about my friends, the virgin birth? – This was a very clever man, and he needed to be here  - was he seeded? (Mm?) Now if you can’t accept that, then the other version is probably to your liking, but if you believe in the virgin birth, it makes more sense to be seeded (indeed). Also the star (the star, yes) The star – The Three Wise Men – He was a very clever man, Jesus, he was good at teaching, and people wanted to listen to him (yes). He could hold them in the palm of his hand because of his charisma and he had many followers too, and of course he had the disciples who carried the word for him. BUT THE SON OF GOD? That is another question. I do not think so (no).                                                                                                    I wondered if you had thought about also – the universe? It is vast. So you think your Divinity, your God had a choice in what he could do and what he could not do? – you must have a think about that one as well – he may not have had a choice with some of the things that occurred and took place but he moulded them, he moulded them for the best purposes. (Right). And if you think of the universe, maybe it’s hard to comprehend the universe, as going into infinity and it’s hard to imagine infinity – and it’s hard to imagine infinity, infinity. What is beyond? I know it goes on forever – but supposing it was FINITE what would be beyond it? (Quite) and where was your God then, who made your God, where did your God come from? Who made your God? (Another God  - I don’t know). (A higher being?). You cannot have a higher spirit than the Divinity, God. The Divinity is over everything.  But where did HE come from? (I don’t know). This has puzzled men for thousands of years, so you won’t be on your own and I don’t think you will get the answer. People do ask and you will be surprised at how many professors and scientists have asked these questions also – so I’ll leave that with you to think about, and that is all I am going to say this evening. It may seem a short talk, I’m sorry. There is one word, I am going to give you who my instrument has been thinking sounds ridiculous, but I shall say it all the same. The word is CYCLOPS – (ah), and not as you think of it, as we have said many times before. The obvious is not always obvious – (Cyclops).

May God go with you my children, we watch over you all the time (Thank you). We are ever close to you when you need us for help. You will go forward with your work – even if you sometimes stray off the pathway – we feel that you will go further and even more forward (Yes). We will try and inspire with your little groups. You’ll be inspired to do things, as you were saying – we hear what you say and what people want take on board. Some will, you’ll see, you have to put your head above the parapet sometimes and people will ridicule you – they haven‘t the understanding you see – they are not as far along as you and some others are, and some would like to be. We are trying to draw you all up into the fourth dimension, (thank you) which is quite easy for you of course, for you are already there my friends – I thank you for letting us come to speak to you.

Shuttle Disaster.   http://www.citiesoflight.net/Columbia.html   http://spaceflightnow.com/shuttle/sts107/030508foamtests/                                      

Offline -  http://www.spirit-truths.co.uk

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